7 World Wonders Travel


What better idea than to visit the 7 World Wonders Travel!
7 wonders of the world travel packages

The Coliseum – Chichen Itza – The Christ Redeemer – Machu Picchu – The Great Wall – The Taj Mahal – Petra. All in a trip around the world, which also include Australia and England.

Itinerary: Coliseum, Rome, Italy – Stay in London, England – Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico – Christ Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Perù – Stay in Sydney, Australia – The Great Wall, Beijing, China – Taj Mahal, Agra, India – Petra, Jordan.

Flights: Rome – London – Mexico City – Rio de Janeiro – Lima – Sydney – Beijing – Delhi – Amman – London.
From £ 3.400 (taxes included).

7 wonders of the world travel packages

For any more info on the 7 World Wonders Travel, please write to our Team